Take the work out of super

Pay employees

Mar 21, 2018, 14:25 PM
Description : Make super payments to all your employees at once using QuickSuper, even if they’re not with Mine Super.
External link : https://quicksuper.mine.com.au/LoginView?utm_campaign=pay_employees&utm_medium=website&utm_source=cta
Button text : Make a contribution
Pay your employees
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Why choose Mine?

We’ll save you time

QuickSuper allows you to make super contributions for multiple staff at once, even if they’re not with Mine.

We do the hard yards

With a committed employer team, we’ll help you stay on top of your obligations and any legislation changes.

We're local

With boots on the ground in offices across Australia, we’re proud to support regional mining communities.

We're highly rated

We’re well known in the mining industry and we’ve received high ratings from SuperRatings and Chant West for our Super and Pension products.