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Super stapling introduced 1 November 2021

News | Date Posted: 23 November 2021

As part of the ‘Your Future, Your Super’ legislation, super stapling came into effect on 1 November 2021. This means that super accounts will be linked, or ‘stapled’ to a person, so your super will follow you when you change jobs and you’ll automatically keep your stapled super fund when you start a new job.

About stapling

If you change jobs and don’t actively choose another super fund, your new employer has to pay your super contributions to your existing fund. They’ll have to check with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to get the details of your stapled fund and pay your super there. If you have multiple accounts, the ATO will determine your stapled fund, based on a set of rules, such as how recently contributions have been made to each of the accounts, the account balances and when the accounts were created. Previously, if you didn’t actively choose a super fund, you might have had a new account opened for you by your new employer, even if you already had an account with a different super fund.

Changing jobs? Take us with you

If you’re a member and change jobs it’s easy to take your Mine Super account with you to your next job. Your employer may give you a form when you start employment, or you can simply download and fill in the Super Standard Choice form and share it with your new employer. This way you can be sure they’ll pay your super into your Mine Super account. 

Remember: Mine Super offers products and services specially designed for the mining industry. This includes insurance, with cover for workers in mining and supporting industries. 

Super tip: Once you get settled, it’s important to check your contact, employment and insurance details are up to date. You can review this in your online account, or call us on 13 64 63.

How is this change helping workers?

The Government has made this change to stop the creation of unnecessary and duplicate super accounts, which may lead to members paying fees or insurance premiums on multiple accounts, which may reduce their retirement savings. People who never had a super account will need to choose a super fund to open an account with when they get their first job, or their employer can create an account for them.

How does this impact members?

Remember, this only impacts you when you change jobs, and it means that even if you don’t make a choice, you’ll keep your stapled super fund when you start a new job. Of course, you can still choose to have a different fund if you like, just like you could previously.

Turn to Mine

If you have any questions about stapling, you can reach us on 13 64 63, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, or email